Notes to the Group’s Financial Statements

Select note 1–42
25 Other assets
P&C insurance
EURm 2016 2015
Interests 55 54
Assets arising from direct insurance operations 1,174 1,132
Assets arising from reinsurance operations 51 38
Settlement receivables 2 2
Deferred acquisition costs 1) 123 131
Assets related to Patient Insurance Pool 120 120
Other 66 62
P&C insurance, total 1,593 1,541
Other assets include non-current assets EURm 114 (112).
Item Other comprise rental deposits, salary and travel advancements and assets held for resale.
1) Change in deferred acquisition costs in the period
EURm 2016 2015
At 1 Jan. 131 138
Net change in the period -10 -4
Exchange differences 2 -2
At 31 Dec. 123 131
Life insurance
EURm 2016 2015
Interests 26 30
Receivables from policyholders 8 9
Assets arising from reinsurance operations 0 0
Settlement receivables 47 21
Assets pledged for trading in derivatives 18 19
Other 63 48
Life insurance, total 162 127
Item Other comprise e.g. pensions paid in advance and receivables from co-operation companies.
EURm 2016 2015
Interests 10 38
Settlement receivables 0 5
Other 5 8
Holding, total 15 51
Item Other includes e.g. asset management fee receivables.
Elimination items between segments -9 -10
EURm 2016 2015
Group, total 1,761 1,708
The tables for the Financial Statements are also available in Excel format.