Sampo plc’s Statement of Cash Flows

Statement of cash flows
EURm 2016 2015
Operating activities
Profit before taxes 1,567 1,229
Depreciation and amortisation 0 0
Unrealised gains and losses arising from valuation 1 0
Realised gains and losses on investments 26 -13
Other adjustments -563 -446
Adjustments total -535 -458
Change (+/-) in assets of operating activities
Investments *) 40 -262
Other assets 31 -5
Total 71 -267
Change (+/-) in liabilities of operating activities
Financial liabilities -9 2
Other liabilities -25 -5
Paid interests -14 -63
Paid taxes -10 0
Total -58 -67
Net cash from operating activities 1,044 437
Investing activities
Investments in group and associated undertakings -422 533
Net investment in equipment and intangible assets 0 0
Net cash used in investing activities -422 533
Financing activities
Dividends paid -1,192 -1,079
Issue of debt securities 2,271 1,011
Repayments of debt securities in issue -1,002 -931
Net cash from financing activities 78 -999
Total cash flows 699 -28
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January 739 768
Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December 1,439 739
Net change in cash and cash equivalents 699 -28
*) Investments include both investment property and financial assets.
Additional information to the statement of cash flows:
EURm 2016 2015
Interest income received 84 63
Interest expense paid -71 -74
Dividend income received 1,567 1,125
The tables for the Financial Statements are also available in Excel format.